Science Proves Drunk You Is Just Like Sober You!

Since the dawn of time people have blamed their bad behavior while drinking on the effects of alcohol. Being rude and inaaprioate can be waved off with, "that's not the REAL me, that's DRUNK me." A recent study is proving that to be wrong. 

Researchers at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health took a group of people into a lab and had them first lay out the differences between their sober personalities and their drunk ones. They then got them wasted and had them do tests (puzzles) in front of a camera. The puzzles were designed to bring out behaviors that an impartial person could then rate. 

The results proved that alcohol may change a person's self perception, but to an outsider the persons basic personality does not change. The only personality trait that seems to change is making non extroverts into extroverts. So, if you are a loud obnoxious drunk, you are probably a loud obnoxious person in regular life, you just aren't aware of it!!! 

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